and you need just one phone number: 01624 642521.
We understand that some people – even some health professionals – don’t know that this is a self-referral service. Here at CALM we assumed that everyone knew this, but it appears not. So here’s a quick recap:
If you’re pregnant, and for any reason do not want to continue with the pregnancy, call 01624 642521 and talk through your options. It’s the same number to access independent, non-directive counselling.
You don’t have to be referred by your GP and, unlike in the UK, there is no need for two doctors’ signatures on the form. The provisions of the Abortion Reform Act 2019 trust people to make their own decisions about their own reproductive healthcare.
Early medical abortions are carried out on Island but even if you are referred to a clinic across, it’s fully financed by the IOM Department of Health (including flights and accommodation for you and, if you wish, someone to accompany you).
Call 01624 642521 for advice, clinic appointments and independent counselling.
Legal, local, accessible and free.
CALM is monitoring the new service but needs your feedback. The best way to contact us is by sending a message via
or by sending an email to Or you can DM us on twitter @calmiom
Thank you – any correspondence will be treated in confidence.
CALM: giving choice a voice in the Isle of Man since 2016 (limited edition badges designed for CALM by Quinn Shipton)