Members of House of Keys play hardball with new amendments to the Abortion Reform Act: threats to ‘reform’ derailed by some significant changes. CALM is, and always has been, about Giving Choice a Voice The amendments being proposed by certain Members of the House of Keys on Tuesday remove, restrict and limit choice. CALM cannot […]
The Isle of Man Abortion Reform Bill 2017 has a new name to reflect its new status! It reached the ‘consideration of clauses’ stage on Tuesday 13 February and Dr Alex Allinson MHK moved Clause 1, the short title of the bill, as the Abortion Reform Act 2018.
Time for a CALM update Two years since setting up CALM we thought it was time to bring everyone up to date. In the beginning … In 2016 a small group of activists decided that it was time the Isle of Man’s outdated Termination of Pregnancy (Medical Defences) Act was updated. Women who were unhappy […]
Isle of Man abortion research findings now available Dr Rebecca Rowley PhD recently gave a public lecture about the results of her research into abortion in the Isle of Man. Her lecture was filmed as part of the UCMTalks season and you can view it here: If you’d rather read her presentation, here it is: […]
Dr Alex Allinson MHK has taken the responses to the public consultation into account with his publication of the full Bill to go before the House of Keys in January 2018. The public response to Dr Allinson’s first draft was the biggest ever achieved by IOM Government on any subject, with over 3,500 individuals and […]
2,795 sign CALM petition Representatives of the Campaign for Abortion Law Modernisation today delivered the petition to the Isle of Man’s Chief Minister, Howard Quayle MHK. This petition, which asks Tynwald to ‘reform the Isle of Man’s abortion laws to offer women a genuine choice’ was launched in May 2016, and closed on 1 […]
CALM is delighted that the results of the public consultation on Dr Allinson MHK’s Abortion Reform Bill 2017 show that the Isle of Man is a pro-choice jurisdiction and that a vast majority of the 3,644 respondents (94% from the Isle of Man) believe that the current law should be […]
Consulation ends at midnight tonight This is the Campaign for Abortion Law Modernisation’s response to the draft Abortion Reform Bill 2017 public consultation, which ends at midnight on Monday 18 September. A few key points CALM would like to see terminations available to any person distressed at being pregnant, up to 14 weeks gestation and […]
There is now less than a week to go before consultation closes on the draft abortion reform bill here on the Isle of Man. That means we’re now entering the final stretch before your opportunity to express your views ends.
Campaign for Abortion Law Modernisation (CALM) is proud to present a YouTube video about the difficulties Isle of Man women face having to travel off-Island for terminations. A Freedom Seeker Production by Kara Varetto, this short film features the real stories of Island women, voiced by actresses.